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TEAMS Sponsored Sessions at ICMS 2023

We hope to see you at all these sessions. International Congress for Medieval Studies (ICMS) at Western Michigan UniversitySession 102 Fetzer Center 1005 (Kirsch Auditorium) Thursday, May 11 3:30 p.m. – 5:...

Call for Essays:

Special Edition CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS For a Special Edition of The Once and Future Classroom The editors of TEAMS are soliciting essays for a special edition of The Once and Future Classroom focused...

Call for Papers

XVIIth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Society (University of British Columbia, 24-28 July 2023) The ICLS says:  As the International Courtly Literature Society approaches its half-century of existence, it feels appropriate for...

Great good news!

The Board of Directors of TEAMS is proud to acknowledge one of our own, Prof. Kristina L. Richardson, (Queens College, & the Graduate School and University Center, CUNY) on being awarded the prestigious...

TEAMS Teaching Awards 2022

TEAMS is seeking submissions for its annual teaching award for K-12 and early career college educators. Instructors are encouraged to submit their original, unpublished lessons dealing with medieval studies for consideration. Authors of...