Educational Resources

A Selection of Websites, Bibliographies, Journals, Conferences, and Societies

begun by Carol L. Robinson

updated by Deborah Sinnreich-Levi

There are four parts to this list of resources: I) Electronic tools, II) Bibliographies & General Information, III) Online Sources Listed by Subject, and IV) Conferences, Journals, and Societies.  This is a revised project that will be continually updated.  If you have a scholarly link that you would like to suggest — or if you would like to help build and maintain this list of resources (become a part of the TEAMS Educational Resources Team) — please send an email  to Deborah Sinnreich-Levi,  Thank you.

UPDATED: July 14, 2022

Section I:
Electronic Tools

Teaching the Middle Ages in Higher Education (Omeka)

Middle Ages for Educators (Princeton)

Medieval Digital Resources (Medieval Academy of America)

Section II:

Bibliographies & General Information

Dr. Alan Lupack, Curator of the Robbins Library,

University of Rochester, presents:
Library Resources on Medieval Topics

(Published in The Once and Future Classroom)

General Information Online Sources

Section III:
Online Sources Listed by Subject



Arthurian Studies


Geoffrey Chaucer

Cooking & Food

English Language and Literature

Anglo-Saxon England & Old English Literature

Anglo-Norman England & Literature

Middle English & Late Medieval Literature

Gender Studies,  Feminism, and LGBTQ+

Graphics: Maps, Manuscripts, . . .



Robin Hood

Section IIV:
Conferences, Journals, and Societies

Academic Conferences

Academic Journals


Academic Societies

Non-Academic Societies